Tier-Rack Corp. has been recognized as the source for bulk bag racks by major companies

Ask any company that receives raw material in canvas or fiberglass super sacs about their storage challenges and they will grimace and roll their eyes.

“They don’t sit neatly on a pallet, they won’t stack on top of each other unless you perform a delicate balancing act and often they won’t fit into standard pallet rack because of a tendency to lean and change shape over time”.

Supersacks LN2 BigThe Tier-Rack movable rack has become the bag rack of choice. Made to order, the inside dimensions of the steel bin can be designed to accommodate the tendency of super sacks to change shape. When stacked on top of each other, 3 or 4 of the bins occupy the same space as 1.

Company president and owner, Scott TenEyck, says “Here at Tier-Rack we believe that helping our customers’ solve problems is the way to open new markets and super sack racks is one way we are becoming more successful.”


Whatever the application, whether it is for portable racks, shipping racks, nesting racks, stacking racks or warehouse storage racks, Tier-Rack has a portable stack rack that will do the job.